Hip and Knee Surgery
Patient Information
The ability of the joint cartilage to repair itself is very limited. When focal cartilage defects or cartilage / bone (osteochondral) defects are present, then the joint can be stimulated to repair by performing a procedure called microfracture. When performing microfracture the surrounding edges of the joint cartilage are first prepared to ensure they are stable. Following this small holes are made in the bone underlying the defect. These holes cause the bone surface to bleed bringing special stem cells contained within the bone to the joint surface. This allows a clot to form on the surface of the joint containing stem cells. With time a new type of cartilage can form on the surface of the joint which can help to preserve long term knee health.
Mr Craik offers private knee microfracture surgery at Ashtead Hospital in Surrey. The procedure is usually performed as a day case whereby you will go home on the same day after your surgery.
During your initial recovery you will be permitted a full knee range of movement. However you will not be able to put weight on your knee for 6 weeks so that the joint surface which has been treated with microfracture can heal optimally.